First: Julie Wilson is awesome. Check out her blog Seen Reading. There’s a little SoMisguided banner there this month. And that’s not the only reason why she rocks. In addition to the Seen Reading posts (these are short stories of people Julie sees on her commute and an excerpt from the books they are reading), there are now audio clips.

Second: (Number 1 in my heart) is James Sherrett and AdHack Are you coming to the party on Friday?

AdHack Beta Launch Party!
Anza Club, kicking off at 7 pm with some true DIY spirit.

* 3 W. 8th Ave (at Ontario) Vancouver

Entry is free, just tell us if you’re coming.

Drink beer, gossip, talk about advertising and the better stuff you could make. It will be joyous. I will be drinking. Sometimes these things are related.