Mural in ProgressMural in progress … do not tag. Taker

This public surface, reserved for Taker, could be a scene in John Burn’ new novel Runnerland

Runnerland is about Peter, aka Runner. He’s an amateur artist. A kid living on the streets. And he’s running from life.

In particular he’s running from his former life, that of typical teenager whose living the middle-class lifestyle. The thing that drives Peter away from home is his father’s death and the discovery that he’s adopted. These two life altering moments result in a bus trip across Canada, the initiation into a street group (kind of a gang but that’s never explicit).

The thing that I like about Peter’s story was that it was believable. Believable enough for someone who doesn’t live on the street and who’s never run away. I like that he doesn’t follow the path of drugs. But he gets messed up in his own way. I feel that Peter is lost, but I also feel like he’s smart enough to survive.

I hope Taker is too.

See more about Runnerland by John Burns.