I received my daily CBC News digest this morning and discovered the following story:

Quote: Climate Change
The National looks at adapting to climate change.

I was excited to read the article because I thought The National, who just did an extensive report on climate change, had decided to adapt their own new reporting practices (i.e., flying around the world–hello big footprint) in response to the devastation they saw.

I’m clearly an optimist. The article is a summary of the devastation they reported on from around the world. It’s still an interesting article, but it does’t signal any change in action from The National.

If we know we should be doing things to stop climate change, then isn’t now the time to do those things? Isn’t now the time for someone big and mainstream to say, “I’ll be the leader on that.”

I overheard an interview with David Suzuki where he said something like, “we’re in a van speeding into the path of a brick wall and instead of slamming on the brakes, we’re arguing about where we want to sit.”

Here’s the CBC article.

Here’s what I’m doing to hit the brakes:
– shorter showers
– carpooling to work
– driving the speed limit
– turning off the computer when it’s not in use
– handwashing instead of dishwashing (except when the heathens come to dinner and I can run a full load)
– less chemicals (cleaning products, make-up, processed foods)
– buying local and fresh instead of processed and shipped from far away (although sometimes I do eat a kiwi)
– recycling and avoiding buying stuff that’s wrapped in plastic and/or styroform
– generally being aware and making good decisions as often as possible

Share what you’re doing. What would you like to do, or like others to do?