Now that I’ve had a chance to speak directly with most of my coworkers and other clients, it’s time to loudly and publicly announce that I am leaving corporate life and joining the growing army of entrepreneurs in my midst.

I will join Work Industries as a partner and owner in mid-January.

Work Industries is an internet consultancy focussed on web strategy, online marketing, content creation, outreach and online community building.

The company was founded by James Sherrett, who has been my sweetheart for 10 years. I’m now committed on both a personal front and a business front.

How’s it all going to work? James and I have worked together before and we’re a good match for each other’s energy and enthusiasm. I’m looking forward to it.

And James says he’s tickled. You can read his announcement here.

So Misguided is my labour of love and books are my passion so stick around because this blog is not going away. You can always contact me here at So Misguided, but if you want to talk shop, I can also be reached at monique at i workindustries dot com. Yes there’s an “i” in there. I work at