Here’s my round-up of publishing tidbits:

SFU’s Master of Publishing program has launched the new version of Thinkubator. The site is aimed at those in publishing and newbies. I’ve never been a dedicated reader, nevertheless, I did read an interesting post on web fonts. Some web 2.0 developers have found a way to dynamically render any font for the web.

Bruce Walsh, formerly of M&S, has joined Atwood’s Unotchit team as vice-president of marketing. Bruce is a very clever guy and I’m glad that he’s still in some aspect part of the publishing world. Bruce got me hooked on the M&S 100 Readers Club, which I truly hope continues despite his departure from M&S.

And, if I wasn’t hanging out in San Diego, I’d show you the totally awesome bookplate that my internet buddy Patricia of BookLust has sent me. It is most beautiful. I adore her cartoons.