Silly game over on the Facebook.

Type your name in quotations with the words “likes to” in Google and post the top 10 things.

“Monique likes to” results:

Monique Likes to Get Her Exercise.
Monique likes a workout that brings her pulse to around 140 BPM for a good 8 minutes.

This is sooooo not true.

Monique likes to let kids know how much fun math and science can be.

Yay, right.

Besides the ability to make friends and family feel right at home, Monique likes to entertain with a salute to her French heritage.

That means we drink wine.

Monique likes to go into a power walk as soon as my seat touches the saddle when I get on.

Sweet Jesus, I don’t want to know more about this one.

Monique likes to break free from the ordinary in her expression but also goes back into the more realistic look.

Indeed. Have you seen my avatar?

In her spare time, Monique likes to paint, has a keen interest in real estate and loves spending time with her best friend Tom.

I hope Tom doesn’t mention this to James.

Monique likes to be different. But it sure is hard to be different when you go to a school where all the students have to wear uniforms.

True enough.

Monique likes to create an easy-going atmosphere in her classes, focussing on awareness of breath and an understanding of the essence of a posture.

Sounds like me.

Monique likes to set up her classroom so students are free to take materials and work independently without constantly asking “Where are the scissors?”

Precisely why I never have any scissors. Damn Monique.

Monique likes to mention the first members who signed up because she was one of them.

I’m sure a spazz.

And here’s the first image that shows up for “Monique Likes To”
Maybe the most fitting find. It’s the cover of a book.

Thanks Sio.